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English – 29.06.20

Good morning Year 3!

We hope you had a wonderful, peaceful weekend and you are all in good health.

Today you will be listening to a story about Elmer the Duckling and answering questions on your understanding of the story.

‘The Sissy Duckling’.

What is a ‘Sissy’?

As a Noun: a person regarded as effeminate or cowardly.
As an Adjective: feeble and cowardly.


  1. What do you think the story is about?
  2. Do you think that the word ‘sissy’ is a positive, good word or a negative, unkind word?
  3. What do you know about Elmer and what is he liked?
  4. How is he different to the other ducklings?
  5. How did the other ducklings treat him? Were they right to treat him that way?
  6. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me. Is this true?


Could something be done to stop Elmer running away?

What advice would you give Elmer?

Screenshot 2020-06-22 at 20.36.07

The Year 3 Team would love to see your wonderful work, so please email it to us at:


From the Year 3 Team.



7 thoughts on “English – 29.06.20

  1. I think the story is about everyone being mean to Elmer expect his mum and how I know that I’m from the title.
    The word sissy is negative because it is mean.
    Elmer likes cooking and In the story it said he is a sissy.
    He is different because he dose not like things that the over ducks like.
    The over ducks treated Elmer rudely and they should not treat Elmer that way.
    The saying is true!!!
    From Megan miss you😭😭😭😭


      1. I think the story is about a duckling how got bulled then he didn’t get bulled then everyone was nice to him then he was aloud in the school after he lived in the snowy house and it was very very cold and very warm because they had a campfire and they there with his family the end


  2. I think the story is about a duckling how got bulled then he didn’t get bulled then everyone was nice to him then he was aloud in the school after he lived in the snowy house and it was very very cold and very warm because they had a campfire and they there with his family the end


  3. English

    The Sissy Duckling

    1) I think the text is about this how ever you look we will all love each other the same way.

    2) I think that sissy is a negative and unkind word to use because it is not nice to call someone a coward .

    3) Elmer has a little amount of friends.

    4)he is different because he doesn’t always get everything right.

    5) Other ducks treated Elmer bad and no they shouldn’t have the right to disrespect him.

    6)This is false because when people do call you names it will hurt your feeling.


    If one of my friends was upset I would say why are you upset talk to a teacher,adult ,friend or member of your family.

    From Amiah mimi Beckles


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